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Saturday, February 8, 2014


Even though it was slow, I made some good progress yesterday.  Getting started on the roof boards that span the gap from the garage to the support beams, sort of accelerated the idea that there is light at the end of this tunnel.  When completed, 25 of these 14 footers will create the support for the roof plywood, and shingles.   

 Each of these 4" x 6" beams weigh quite a bit, and lifting them by myself, without the tractor, would be much more difficult.

Getting each roof board secured is not a quick process, and has required countless trips up, and down the ladders.  By the end of the day, the old body, particularly the knees, were saying "enough, there's no deadline involved here".  When I had 5 boards up, I decided that was enough, and called it quits.

While working outside, I purposely left my phone in the house, thinking that Patty would be a little more level headed, when, or if, Coast to Coast Carports made the promised appointment confirmation call.  About mid afternoon, the call was indeed made, and when Patty came outside to give me the news, before she said a word, I could tell by the expression on her face, that it wasn't going to be good.

Yep, you guessed it, there isn't going to be any sounds of a metal building being built today, only the sound of my cordless drill, as I continue working on the tractor port.  Like I said yesterday, if Vegas had odds on a show, or no show by Coast to Coast, you could have made some money with a bet on no show!  If there's any good news, the newest appointment revision is for this coming Wednesday, Feb 12th.  I'm really glad that my level headed wife was on this end of the phone conversation, because I'm sure that my words wouldn't have been nearly as nice as hers. 


  1. No that's GOOD Dan ... the longer the wait, the bigger the discount!!!! Look at ME, saying have patience!!! Hahaha

  2. I don't know much about construction. Is that masonry wall considered strong enough to support those posts? It seems lateral forces could lever against the blocks and cause them to crack. Or...are they reinforced with rebar or something similar?

  3. I've been following your project pretty much from the beginning, and can really "feel" your frustration. I would have probably had a heart attack by now if I was going through the same runaround. At the least, you still have projects to occupy your time. Were you able to get any reviews or reference's on Coast to Coast before your purchase?

  4. The block wall is sitting on a 6 inch concrete foundation, and filled with concrete. Both have vertical & horizontal rebar.
    I did check reviews on Coast to Coast, & there were negatives alone with positives. A better price was the primary factor. With a discount for each rescheduling, maybe by the time they show up, they'll have to pay me!
