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Tuesday, May 21, 2013


When our friends, Bob & Diana moved from the Modesto, CA area, to Enterprise, OR, about 10 years ago, I wondered where in the heck that was.  On our first visit, we discovered that the small town of Enterprise was located in the far north eastern corner of Oregon, kind of at the end of the road.  The Wallowa Valley is a little piece of heaven, and after our first trip there, we not only looked forward to visiting with our friends, but returning to this beautiful area that is well off the beaten track.

After a huge breakfast prepared by Diana & Brenda, we did some window shopping in the downtown area, then drove a few miles up the road to Joseph, and Wallowa Lake.  The girls did some shopping, and we later had lunch on the deck, at the Embers Cafe.  Yep, I had a burger with all  the trimmings. 

 Bob & Brenda's new pup "Bella", climbing on Bob & Diana's Lab, Buddy.

Back at the house, we watched the news, and the terrible destruction from the Tornado's in Oklahoma.  It's hard to imagine what it must be like to lose everything in the matter of a few seconds. Nope, I would never consider living anywhere in "Tornado Alley", and our hearts and prayers go out to the victims, and their families who have suffered from this latest natural disaster. 

Another big meal (we're not going hungry on this trip) prepared by Diana & Brenda, topped off by my favorite, Brenda's famous cherry pie.  That girl can bake like few others, and whenever we get together, the treat of my favorite desert is usually on the menu! 

The courthouse in downtown Enterprise.

Miles traveled - 133  Cumulative - 1,828

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