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Saturday, June 9, 2012


When the bus drivers were selecting their summer shifts, routes & schedules a few weeks ago, I think I mentioned that in terms of seniority, I was #47 out of 57 drivers. I had a few choices, and selected a schedule that gave me Wed & Thurs off. Fri is a Blue Village route, Sat & Sun is a Red Hermits route, and I finish the week with a Blue Village route on Mon & Tues.

All of the shifts are 8 hours, give or take a few minutes. The one exception is Friday, which is an almost 10 hour work shift. Perhaps that is the one reason that this schedule was still open when the bidding got down to me. It's a long day, with 6 rounds (each round trip is approx. 45 minutes), a 45 minute lunch break, then back for 5 more rounds. I start the day at 10:20 am, and finish at about 8:50pm. The good news is that there's a couple hours of overtime, and the bad news is that Fridays are a long day behind the wheel.

I've been working for about a month now, with 3 more to go. Patty checked in with her employer yesterday, and she starts work this coming Monday. Not sure what her days off are yet, but for the next 90 days, work is just a temporary inconvenience to our retired lifestyle. September 7th is our last day of work here at the canyon, and we already have lots of travel, and activity plans for the time period right after summer.


  1. My name is Sheri Conger-McSwain, my dad is Bob Conger from Los Banos, I am sending you this message to let you know that Bob Arnold passed away on Wed. morning. His services are to be held in LB on Fri June 15th. Dad is in the phone book and I'm sure he would love to hear from you. We are trying to get the word out to as many of the guys as possible and I happened to see your blog.

    1. Thanks for passing on the information regarding Bob Arnold. I had heard that Bob passed away from John Slater, a former Los Banos PD Officer. Unfortunately,I won't be able to attend the service, but please tell your Dad hello.

  2. I will tell Dad hello for you. He is still in Los Banos at the same house as he has been for over forty years, Bob and Darlene were in the same home too. I did not think you would be able to make it, but I did think you would want to know. Bob was a special man who will be very missed. I have enjoyed reading your blog about the CHP days. Those were special times.

  3. By the way, in case you didn't see it and were not aware, I posted on your writings about Al Turner. When Hill came up for parole the last time, because of a new law in California, and his animal like behavior, he will not be eligible for parole again for 15 year from the last parole hearing. That is a great relief to Judy and Laura, and frankly the rest of us who continued to write letters to the parole board. Digging up those old wounds every two years was just awful.

    1. Thanks Sheri, for the nice comments, and the update on your dad. I had not gone back and looked at your comment on the Al Turner shooting until just now. Those were indeed an awful 2 weeks, and brought home the reality of the dangers we faced on a daily basis. The tragedy of that event effected so many lives. Glad to hear that Hill is still where he belongs
