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Sunday, January 16, 2011


The weather here in the Palm Springs area, has been about as good as it gets for being in the dead of winter. Our thermometer rose to a little above 80 degrees yesterday, and by the time I took this picture at 4:51 in the afternoon, it was still 79. During the middle of the day, as we walked amongst the motor homes, you could hear a few of the rooftop air conditioners running.
I guess if someone has to enjoy the warm sunshine, it might as well be us.

Later this morning, we'll be pulling out of the Riverside County Fairgrounds here in Indio, and driving the 175 miles back to Lake Havasu. The weather is predicted to be in the mid 70's for the few days that we will be home, so there just might be a day for the boat to get it's bottom wet.

We've enjoyed the past 5 days at the FMCA Western Rally, particularly the time with our Golden Spike Chapter. We have met some new friends, and reacquainted ourselves with some of the folks we first met at the Mount Hood Railroad Rally last August. That's one of the benefits of belonging to the Family Motor Coach Association. There are about 450 chapters across the country, with enough different focuses (ours being railroads), to fit with most every one's interests.

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