Saturday, January 15, 2011


One of the more popular events at this, and other RV Rally's that we have attended, is the ice cream social. For several years, the Golden Spike Chapter has volunteered to staff this event, and yesterday we did just that. Here's a few pictures of Patty handing out free ice cream bars. Yes, the temptation was simply more than I could resist, and with my hands on hundreds of ice cream bars for almost a solid hour, two of them found their way into my mouth before it was all over. We had fun, and that's what this whole thing is all about.

As usual, we brought more than enough food with us, but, with the Chapter doing BBQ's, and pizza parties, we haven't hardly touched anything in our refrigerator. Today is the last full day of the rally, and there are plans to go to a local restaurant this evening. Tomorrow, we'll take our time, and drive back to Lake Havasu for a few days, then, we're off to Quartzsite for our annual pilgrimage to the world's largest gathering of RV's.

This is part of our Golden Spike Chapter, right after we took a group picture in front of the ice cream truck.

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