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Saturday, June 26, 2010


The above photo is obviously our beloved critters, Gracie & Sami, sunbathing on the dash of our motor home. The bottom photo is a passenger that wasn't so beloved, and had probably been in our rig for a week or so. While parked at the Bend Thousand Trails, we began to hear some strange noises, and our cat Gracie, alerted to those noises in a way that suggested we may have a stowaway on board. When I found evidence in the basement, that confirmed our suspicions, out went the good ole wooden mouse traps that were last used in Alaska. After about 2 days, even though I would have preferred another method, one of the traps did it's job, and the picture shows the result. Hopefully, that was the only one on board.

On a sadder note, we received a call from Bob & Shirl Kase yesterday morning, to tell us that they had to put their beloved Beagle too sleep. The top photo is a picture of Hunter on the left, and Sami on the right, that I took at Bob & Shirl's house, when we visited last summer. During our last year (2003) on the Drag Race circuit, Bob & Shirl showed up at the first race in Pomona with the cutest Beagle Puppy, who they named Hunter. Over the course of that year, we grew to love that dog, and it was fun to watch our Beagle treat the new puppy as if it were her own. We often referred to Hunter as Sami's baby. During the ensuing years, we typically would only see Bob, Shirl & Hunter once or maybe twice a year, but that dog always remembered me, and it was like a family reunion. Bob knew how much we loved their dog, and was kind enough to think of us, and make the difficult telephone call. As hard as it is to lose a family member, and that's what these animals are, at some point the decision has to be made, in respect to a pet's quality of life. According to Bob, they had reached the point where there was no other choice, and the tough decision had to be made. Our hearts go out to Bob & Shirl, and it will be good to see them in a couple of weeks at the Seattle Drag Race.

1 comment:

  1. Dan & Patty, It was so nice to meet both of you as you were at Little Diamond! Your blog is beautiful! We hope you enjoy your journey in the Pacific Northwest and maybe we will meet up again soon. Your campsite neighbors, Jim & Rhonda
