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Sunday, March 21, 2010


As the saying goes, "time flies when you're having fun". Yesterday was the last full day of the Chance Family gathering in Verde Valley, AZ. Chandra needed to do some shopping without the munchkin, so Marc, Laila, Patty and I headed off to Cliff Castle Casino, and lunch at Johnny Rockets 50's diner. Their hamburgers are right up there near the top of my list, and as everyone knows, I'm the original hamburger king. Laila had a P.B.&J., and to our surprise, ate the entire sandwich. Sometimes her appetite borders on being birdlike, but yesterday, she was on one of her eat almost everything spurts. After lunch, we stopped by the Fort Verde State Park, and learned a little about what was a frontier Army Outpost from 1871-1891. The rest of the afternoon was about relaxing at the motor home, when Grandma disappeared for a quick hiding of some Easter eggs. Even though it's not quite Easter yet, we won't see the kids for awhile, so Patty took Laila on a treasure hike, and she found the eggs that Grandma had hidden. When she returned, there was an Easter basket hidden near the motor home (in the photo), and Laila had fun going through the goodies in the basket. The other picture shows the doll that our friends Bob and Jeanette had given us to give to Laila. This talking, cheerleader doll has about 5 different "cheers", and after a couple of days, I think Laila and Grandma had most of one of the cheers memorized. It's been a fun 5 days, and we're talking about making this an annual spring getaway. But, unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, and this morning, we will say our goodbyes till next time, and head for home.

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