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Thursday, September 24, 2009


The distance from where we are parked, at Bahia Honda State Park, to Key West, is a little over 30 miles. At the end of the overseas highway, Key West is closer to Cuba, (90 miles) than it is to Miami, (150 miles). When we arrived a little before noon, we had lunch at TGI Fridays, then drove around to some of the familiar places that we remembered from our last visit to Key West, about 10 years ago. We both like historical sites, so we drove to Fort Zachary Taylor, one of many coastal forts that were built in the 1800's. We got a short tour and narrative about the fort, by one of the Florida State Parks volunteers. Even though Florida was one of the southern states that seceded from the union during the civil war, Fort Taylor was never occupied by the Confederate forces. Back then, the only transportation to Key West was by ship, and the North had the larger Navy, controlling much of the southern waterways. From Fort Taylor, we located the Little White House that Harry Truman used during his presidency. Our intent was to stop and check out the museum, but parking in Key West is sometimes almost impossible. After a brief search for a parking space, I gave up, and we headed over to the southern most monument, where I took the photo of Patty. When we returned to the motor home, we both changed and went for our second swim in the bay. The neat thing about salt water, is you can float, almost without any effort. Not sure what's on the agenda today, but I do know that the view out the windshield is pretty awesome.

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